28788 North Main Street
Daphne, Alabama  36526


8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I

9:15 a.m. Christian Education

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II


Morning Prayer - 8:00 a.m. 

Monday-Saturday on Facebook Page


7:00 a.m. Men's Bible Study  - Zoom Only 


10:30 a.m.Wed. Morning Bible Study

12:00 p.m. Healing Service 

Church Calendar - Click on link below:

Church Calendar Link

Evening Prayer – 5:00 pm 

Sunday-Thursday on Judith Comer's Facebook Page

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Church Directory

Click on the link above to download the church directory.
 Please call the church office for the  password.
Morning Prayer

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church is a warm and loving community of approximately 800 baptized members. Located on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay, it is situated in one of the most scenic and fastest growing counties in Alabama. In this place we try to follow the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ, not so much by speculating "What would Jesus do?," but rather attempting to emulate what Jesus did do. This theology for ministry is captured in our Mission Statement: "We worship together as we seek God, serve God, and share God with love and acceptance for all." You are cordially invited to join us in worship. It is my prayer that you will find your time with us a blessing. 

God bless you, 

Thack Dyson, Rector

This Week at St. Paul’s

To download the service bulletin for Sunday, March 30, the lectionary and prayer requests click on the links below:

Service Bulletin, March 30, 2025


Prayer Requests

To download the April and Holy Week Servers Schedules, click on the links below:

Those Who Serve, April 2025

Holy Week Servers Schedule

If you cannot serve on the date assigned, please call the verger and church office with the name of your replacement. Thank you.

Discovering the Apocrypha: A Special Great Wednesday@6 Series

Next Class is April 2nd

Homework for April 2nd is is to read 

The Prayer of Manasseh, Bel and the Dragon, and Psalm 151

Click on the links below to download the readings:

Prayer of Manasseh

Psalm 151

Bel and the Dragon

When: Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. through Lent

Where: Malone Hall

Instructor: Thack Dyson

Join us as we continue with the study on the Books of the Apocrypha. Even if you haven't been to the previous classes you are welcome to come.

Each session includes a light dinner, time for discussion, and a brief lecture. 




St. Paul’s 4th Friday BINGO is this Friday … 

serving up spaghetti and winning numbers!!

come join family and friends – 5:45 pm Friday, March 28, 2025

begin with a $5 spaghetti dinner … 

salad, bread, dessert and drink – wine extra

then purchase an 11 game BINGO packet for $20 … 

daubers available for use we play 11 games 

(each sheet has 3 games to daub!)

regular BINGO play … plus fun postage stamp, T, picture frame and blackout games!

during last two games you can purchase extra tries for $1 each

each game ends with increasing cash prizes for single winner – or multiple winners

there’s nothing quite like 

4th Friday BINGO at

St. Paul’s on the Eastern Shore!! 

y’all come!!

2025 Easter Flowers

Dear Saint Paul’s,

Easter is fast approaching us and we are making plans for the Easter flowers. This year we are using fresh cut flowers of many varieties. I would like to use your yard flowers in addition to the ones we will order. If any of you have daffodils, iris, phlox, snapdragons, verbena, forsythia, spiraea, narcissi, gladioli, orchids, roses or any other beautiful blooming flower you would like to share with the church please let me know.

Also we plan to decorate the base of the cross in the prayer garden with flower stems and small that the children bring in on Easter morning. Please remember to let your children bring a few flowers for that.

The forms for the Easter Memorials and Honorariums are in the narthex and printed in the Newsletter. The deadline is Friday, April 11th, which is just a few weeks away. If you can’t find one please ask me or the   office for a copy. We depend on and appreciate your

donations and support very much.

We will start preparing the flowers on Good Friday . We will start decorating the church on Holy Saturday after the 9:00 service. If you are new and want to help please let me know. You are always welcome to join us.

Rebecca Dyson



To donate toward the Easter flowers used to decorate the church please complete the form linked below and return it to the church office with your payment of $30.00, no later than Friday, April 11th. Questions, call Rebecca Dyson, 251-923-8173. All donations will be accepted and acknowledged in Easter Memorial and Honorarium bulletin insert. 

Please click on the link below to download the order form.

2025 Easter Flower Order Form


Night Watch begins at immediately following the Maundy Thursday service, Thursday, April 17. Sign-up times are available every hour starting immediately after the Maundy Thursday Service and ending at Noon on Friday, April 18 at which time the Good Friday Service begins. Please call or email the church office as soon as possible if you would like to sign up to pray and meditate throughout the night. We need 1-2 people to sign up for each hour. 

Thank you,


Preschool Summer Camp is 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Extended Day Preschool Summer Camp is 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Ages 18 months to Current K4

Church Calendar

To view the church calendar click on the link below:

Church Calendar Link